Tuesday 13 August 2013

I Can't Stop Missing You

I  can't stop missing you 

Sitting in a gloomy place
Enjoying life's aloof phase
I Kindle my soul
With your love's environment
To breathe  my only assignment
Every moment your presence renew
I seek far and wide for you
Because I can't stop missing you.

My life's getting dragged
Memories are getting stacked
Wish to listen your loving whispers
Fulfil your desires as your ambassador
Understand your heart's hunches
Despite, bearing life's punches
The cosmos paints a vanishing hue
But I can't stop missing you

Everyday is a haunting raid
Still early to go into Hades
Seems I've lost in the crowd
Light years from your beautiful sound
My heart wants to run and eschew
But nothing can part me from you
As I can't stop missing you

Seems I'm in an endless queue
Perspiring like morning dew
Everyday is a new Halloween
The Ghost is always following
But nothing can part me from you
As My heart just seeks for you
Because I can't stop missing you

Freespirit Juneja


  1. How touching... right from heart. Nicely worded.

    1. Thanks a ton Indrani:-) and I'm sorry for responding u too late :)
